Loot Crate December 2013!


Merry Christmas and Happy New year everyone.
Now time for another Review!


This months lootcrate i was honestly not to stoked about.
There were some cool things but mostly not my favourite months so far. But none the less lets get to it!

The first Item this month was


Console Wars T-Shirt From Shirt.Woot.
I was kinda excited about this until i unfolded it and the shirt pictures says it is a Womens XL, Which its clearly a men’s style shirt, so my boyfriend gets something this month!

Next We have,


Rainbow dash Funko Tintastic.
I like this its really cute, i will keep the erasers as collectables and ill use the tin but the rest not sure, But it is Funko, and i LOVE Funko!


Energems Candy
These little guys are sure tasty! And boy do they work!
I had eaten the whole box before i realized it was probably a bad idea. Lets just say i was annoying at work all day!


Geek/Gamer Rubber Bracelet.
I wont wear this, i just find the rubber Bracelets annoying, so not sure what t do with this!



I actually liked this magnet, It is Really cute, So ill Stick it on my Fridge 🙂

Next we had…


Xbox Controller Grips,
Well i am a nintendo person and my boyfriend just got rid of his xbox, so these are useless until we decide on PS4 or Xbox One in the future. Or maybe We Will just get Wii U

And lastly we have…


CatBug Sticker, Really cute. Went right on my mirror with all the rest of my stickers.

This month lootcrate your probably appeal ALOT more to heavy Gamers then it did to me. But that’s why its a surprise, You win some and you lose some!

If you like what you see and you would like to sign up

Just go to the Link below and sign up. You will regret it if you don’t! and Sign up before the 19th to Receive that months crate!


Happy Looting!



Almost Christmas…


This time of year, (since I moved out of my parents house) has been huge excitement coming down to disappointment with me..
I am all about Christmas and spending it with family and friends and sticking to traditions. But since i left my parents house no matter how hard I try to make Christmas what i feel like its supposed to be.. I fail. 

I was pretty excited until a few days ago, when i found out that my house made the decision without me to have Christmas dinner on the 28th.. and my other roommates are going to someones else house on Christmas day. Now that leave just me and my boyfriend, alone on Christmas day, with no food or celebrating… what the heck kind of Christmas is that? A lame one that’s what.

On another note, I made SURE that i got everyone’s gifts on time and wrapped so that they will be able to open then Christmas morning like it is supposed to happen.. well no one else decided to buy their gifts until the last minute.. sooo not much surprise Christmas morning is going to happen either..

I just can’t wait to move back into my hometown in a few months and everything will be awesome again… I just wish something would go MY way for once, I am tired of giving and giving..

Anyways that’s my rant for today. Hope everyone else has a marvelous Christmas.

Nerd Block December 2013


My first nerd block!!

December 2013! i was so excited to try this! i found it online not that long ago and convinced my boyfriend to get it for me for an early Christmas gift. And totally worth it for the both of us!
For those who dont know what Nerd block is…
Nerd Block is a monthly subscription box for “nerds” geeks gamers and lovers of all these things.
Nerd Block is $19.99 a month plus shipping (Shipping varies from where you live)
This is one of the few CANADIAN based subscription boxes, which i was excited to try for this very reason!
Lets take a look what i got this month!!


Zelda inspired Tshirt! (about $15)
I love Zelda and when i saw this i was pretty stoked. This is now one of my FAVOURITE shirts i own! Thank you.
When you subscribe to Nerd Block you pick your shirt size you will know your shirt will fit you when you get it!
One awesome thing about nerd block is that you get a shirt EVERY MONTH!

Whats next….


This pretty sweet watch! (Found on Ebay for 29.99)
Its pretty manly so i gave it to my boyfriend and he will use it WAY more then I ever would. None the less it pretty awesome.


A FUNKO! Oh my Glob. I love these guys and i have been eyeing this one for a while now! i was so excited when i actually got him!
(These guys vary between $10 and $20) depending on where you get them.
I hope they send Alot of these ill never unsubscribe.
Now for the “Fillers”
(which were still pretty awesome)

Little Mystery Marvel Package!
I got a sweet little spider-man! (Approx $5?)
I actually love this. He its really cool looking.


Monster Marble. I have never heard of these and i wont have much use for it (maybe $3?)
if i have a kid or something they might have use for it… but i am not sure on this one.

And lastly!


Crazy Bonez?! whaaatt? i haven’t seen these since grade 8 (quite a few years ago)
i think the package might cost around $3-$5 dollars… now sure anymore.
Jeeze these bring back memories. I will defiantly be keeping these guys.

And there you have it folks!
Decembers NerdBlock!
If you want to subscribe you better hurry over to their site and sign up! January Boxes are selling Quickly!
Tell them i sent you!
Love Alyssa




I passed my final course. I am now officially a grown up…. Kinda.
Waiting to get the piece of paper that tells me i did something so i can start applying for some jobs. Oh i hope i can get one that i enjoy.

On another note. Anubis my little shit of a dog decided he didnt want to poop outside cause it was raining. So he pooped in front of our closed bedroom door and when i opened it, Well you can guess what happened. Ive been cleaning poop up for 10 minutes.  Seriously dude?


Christmas is on its way. Tree is up decorations are coated on this house and i am getting excited. I feel like its going to be a really good christmas. Also boxing day shopping is going to be ridiculous. We have to drive an hour through the mountains. Basically we are not sleeping until boxing day afternoon.
So excited. ill be sure to document our adventure!



Tomorrow I take my final exam of my program. I could not be more happy. I am finally going to be able to finish something and have something to show for it! It also means a new part of my life, no more school. I now have to focus on getting a career and making a living. Why do I have to grow up? Doesn’t matter. I just want to be at a place were i am happy and comfortable and right now it isn’t happening. My job is all screwy we are hoping to have enough money for what we need to do and I miss a lot of people that i love way to much and i just want to be “home”.

Living in BC the past few years was wonderful and i have experience a lot, but its old now and i am over it.


I will miss this this all the time but nothing can replace my family and friends that have been with me for so long.

Black Friday.


Welp, I am broke and its black friday and i wish i could buy all my Christmas presents today yet i wont have money until Dec 6th. AHH WHYYY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE SO CHEAP NOW?!?!?!

Anyways, that’s my problem today, and its lame.

I also am just finishing school and i PRAY that i pass this last course and i cannot sleep cause its all i think about.


i know i have very small problems, i consider myself lucky :O

I am the saddest person ever…


So yesterday We learned that work is not busy enough so my Boyfriend is getting laid off completely and i am down to 4 days a week…. RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS?!  Are you kidding me right now? So basically we are having a poor persons Christmas this year which makes me upset cause i am that person who needs Christmas to be all out and perfect every year. This year is going to just be weird.. And I don’t know what to do!


I Hope this luck does not fall upon ANY of you.  Its really Unfortunate, i just hope things start looking up soon!

Loot Crate November 2013


Just as I finished my review of the October Loot Crate I knew this one would be here any minute. And Tada! it was here when i went home for lunch!
And Omg a big spider just came down in front of my face.

Here it is in all its glory



This months Theme is CELEBRATE
Lets celebrate xbox 1, PS4, and DR WHO.
Oh and don’t forget its almost Christmas!

First Glance inside the box!


Jam packed this month weeee

This months Mini Mag and Mega Crate!


I love the bottom picture



Sorry its blurry, but you get the point, BEST MEGA CRATE YET!

i wouldve peed myself if i got this!

Now lets dig in!


Robot playing cards ($3?)
Poker night will be a lot more fun now, that’s for sure!


Wicked Batman wallet! (Retail $15)
i was going to give this to my boyfriend but then i decided that i like it too much so too bad for him!


This is what i was MOST excited about!
Mini speaker, and i did try it out and its actually really good!
Retails for a little over $20
I was REALLY hoping for Butters, because i LOVE him, but Kyle is a close second!


Tardis Balloon ($1?)
My Dog is terrified of this, I don’t know why.


Sweet Sticker ($2?)
This went RIGHT on my mirror with my other Loot Crate Stickers
I have quite the abundance!


Again Poker night is more fun.!
Crosshair Shooter Glass ($4?)
Love shooters i have a collection from ALL Over, ill just tell everyone this is from COD.


Lastly BFAST!
I think this is about a dollar or two to buy. I seen that other people got a “coupon” with theirs, i did not, which is okay since i dont tihnk you can Actually buy this in Canada anyways.
Can’t wait to try this tomorrow thought!

So there you have it folks! CELEBRATE!
These guys just seem to keep getting BETTER and BETTER!

If you would like to subscribe: 
(Which you Defiantly Should!)

Just go to the Link below and sign up. You will regret it if you dont! and Sign up before the 19th to Receive that months crate!


Happy Looting!

My Baby Boy




This is one of my puppies. His name is Anubis, or as i call him NOOBIS.
I honestly cannot get enough of this guy he has the biggest personality ever and so much love from one tiny dog cannot be possible!

I have only had him for a few months now but he is honestly my best friend he just follows me around everywhere and literally tinkles himself when i get home because he is so excited!

Sometimes, as all puppies are he can be a little shit disturber. 


But i love him more then life!

I just wanted to share this with you and if you follow me, Trust me you will see MUCH more of this little heart breaker!

Loot Crate October 2013


I know this is a bit late since Novembers crate will be here literally any minute now.. But here we go.

If you don’t know what Loot Crate is, it is one of the (seems like hundreds) subscription boxes on the market today. The box is sent out every month on or around the 20th.
The cost of the crate varies since it is based in the US (California) the US price is $13.37/mo + $6 S&H.
They also ship to Canada, Australia and the UK, For us it costs $29.95/mo S&H Included!

Loot crate always has a theme each month which all the items you receive are centered around.

This Month the theme was SURVIVE!

Obviously being October it had to be a halloweenish theme.

And this is what i got!



First impression..



Its awesome, i wear it all the time now.
Since August 2013 (Lootcrates Birthday) they have been including a mini mag with the boxes which i find really awesome and explains the mega crate and spotlights some fans. I hope to make it into the mag one of these days!


The shirt i figured out the Value would be $15 so for you US looters that’s the cost of your box right there almost!

The Next item was:


The Zombie handbook that retails for about $15
You have to read this book. I have had way to many late nights since i got this because i just cant stop prepareing for the zombie apocalypse.

Another Adorable thing in this crate was:


I plan on giving this to someone someday, Perhaps my boyfriend when he eventually forgets that i have it, so i am guessing by Valentines day!
This card retails for about 4 dollars i am guessing.

The remainder of the box always the small little things that i cannot stop collecting and CANDY!


Tattoos, which i used for Halloween and defiantly forgot to take pictures of. Are you infected or safe!?

Also we all got our Zombie hunters license along with some pins ($2)

and $5 dollar coupon for some more shirts!
About the shirt i forgot to mention it was printed on a Limited colour shirt JUST FOR LOOTERS!

All in all i was stoked about this months crate and i am DYING for my November crate!

if you would like to subscribe:

Just go to the Link below and sign up. You will regret it if you dont! and Sign up before the 19th to Receive that months crate!


Happy Looting!